SunShanny Glows Skin & Body

Shannon Browning has been offering massage since 2001. Her background as a massage therapy instructor, along with her experience collaborating with physical therapists and chiropractors, has given Shannon a uniquely compassionate approach to clients’ needs. She values assisting clients in healing themselves, educating her clientele about their bodies, and carefully listening to identify the therapy goals of each individual. She fuses clinically-based deep tissue massage, trigger point therapy, myofascial techniques, and other modalities to calm, relax, and restore function and mobility. Shannon adds stretching, movement, and kneading to provide a restorative, therapeutic treatment that aids in the body’s natural healing process and re-connects the person as a whole. Those who have benefitted from her services include expectant mothers, athletes, professional musicians, chronic pain and migraine sufferers, and clients seeking overall wellness of being. Shannon became a licensed esthetician in 2014 as a further expression of her passion and curiosity for understanding the relationship between skin, mind, and body wellness. She provides thorough skin analysis and customized treatments, designed for immediate results partnered with healthy skin longevity. Her gentle touch, an eye for precision, and an emphasis on providing clients with beneficial instruction on skin repair and maintenance are hallmarks of her skincare services. She offers an extensive portfolio of esthetic services, including chemical peels, dermaplaning, microneedling, waxing, lash lifts, and lash and brow tinting. Shannon resides near Wimberley. In her free time, Shannon enjoys live music, country dancing, Hill Country road trips, and spending time with her family.

Business Hours

9 AM - 6 PM
9 AM - 6 PM
9 AM - 6 PM
9 AM - 6 PM
9 AM - 6 PM
10 AM - 12:30 PM

Cancellation Policy

Cancellations must be made 24 hours in advance of your scheduled appointment time. If cancellations are not made 24 hours prior to your appointment, you will be charged in full for your missed appointment.